Anyway, I ventured out today and attempted a few things...and let me tell you. I need to keep by rear end in the bed or on the couch a couple days longer. So.Not.Ready.

2. I tried the new Hazelnut Macchiato drink at Starbucks (skinny of course) and it was delicious! I don't even care for hazelnut flavoring too often but it is perfection! Can't wait to have a chance to try it again when my full sense of taste and smell is back.
3. I went to Lane Bryant to do my clearance rack search and I really racked up this week. I'm actually kind of proud of this weeks purchases. They were having a super sale today 40% off everything in the store plus an additional 20% off - meaning that everything in the store was 60% off. Since I shop the clearance rack anyway I did my usual run through on what they had and then went to check out. I was pleasantly surprised at my final prices today but it may have helped that the items I grabbed were on final clearance mark down.
Flare Dark Denim Jeans: Original price $59.50 clearance price marked at $20.00 paid $9.60
Orange thin casual scarf: Original price $24.95 clearance price marked at $6.98 paid $3.35
Black shrug sweater: Original price $54.95 clearance price marked at $9.00 paid $4.79
Silver dangle earrings: Original price $16.95 marked $9.00 paid $4.32
Blue/Black strapless maxi dress (not pictured): Original price $89.95 clearance price marked at $74.99 actually rang up at $14.98 paid $7.19!!!!!
Total Spent: $31.29
Total Savings: $31.69 per my receipt (but this is based on the clearance prices)
If you look at the original prices for each item I really saved $215.01
They didn't have my correct size in the store of the dress so they ordered it online for me and it will ship to my house for free in 5-7 days. Thus why the dress is not pictured below.
And now on to my new recipe. It's so simple it's crazy and it's virtually no WW points.
Scrambled egg whites with spinach and mushrooms.
I don't really always measure it out but based on my research it appears this is may 1 WW point per serving if that? It's ok though as I make up for my breakfast point intake with my coffee creamer (I just can't live without my coffee in the AM)
What you'll need:
1/2 - 1 cup of fresh baby spinach (how ever much you prefer)
1 - 2 mushrooms cut per your preference (I like my pieces big)
1/3 - 3/4 cup of egg whites (depending on how hungry you are)
Garlic salt to taste
Non Fat Organic Cooking Oil Spray (so it doesn't stick to the pan too much)
Directions: scramble it up and enjoy (there is no way to mess this up).
It's so simple and delicious and take virtually no effort (even when you are in a time crunch in the mornings like I am)
That's all for today...stay tuned for my DIY post on a magnetic menu board for the refrigerator (kind of)
Until next time...
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